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21 Sales Call Statics To Improve Your Phone Sales

cold calling statics infographic
21 Sales Call Statics To Improve Your Phone Sales
  • by George F.
  • December 17, 2021
  • Read Time 6 Minutes
  • Viewed 3221 Times.

Phone sales and cold calling aren't dead yet.  It does not matter if you are a B2B or a B2C sales company (or both as we are here at G2LeadsToSales).  Here are 21 statics regarding using the telephone to call your sales leads.  Use this knowledge to step up your phone sales game.  

#1. Nearly 92% of all customer interactions take place over the phone.

The benefits of email are numerous. However, consider your own position as a customer: Would you prefer to receive another cold email from a stranger or a phone call from someone with whom you could converse one-on-one?

So if you want more customers and more sales, then pick up the phone.

#2. 57% of C-level buyers prefer to be contacted over the phone.

C-level executives prefer calls to emails, according to data.

#3. 59% of buyers say sales emails are irrelevant to them.

There's nothing like a phone call!

#4. An average of 75% of prospects will make an appointment or attend an event based solely on a cold call.

If you craft the right sales pitch and make an offer prospect cannot refuse, you will have conversions - guaranteed!

#5. Every year, over $1 trillion is spent on sales teams. (That’s 1 followed by 12 zeros)

The average salesperson makes over 100 calls per day.

Obviously, companies should do their best to maximize the value of those calls.

Here is how:

At every stage of the customer call journey, the customer experience must be perfected. The process includes perfecting the script, taking good notes, following up timely, and finally creating an automated call logging and tracking system for analysis.

#6. More than 85% of prospects and customers are unhappy with their telephone experience.

You should always have a sales script in front of you, as well as everything related to the prospect at hand. Having the right words and knowing how to use them will win you deals.

#7. About 42% of sales reps say they lack enough information before they call a prospect.

For $29 a month you can subscribe to a background checking service such as BeenVerified.  Here you can get a ton of info on the prospect such as the types of cars he has, other recreational vehicles such as boats and airplanes. Now you know what he likes to do in his spare time which makes it easier to build some rapport.

#8. More than half of all leads never hear from a salesperson again.

You are committing a major error since it often takes about 6 to 8 calls to get a response from a prospect. And over the next few years, we're going to see that number increase as it has over the past decade.

If you give up after a couple of attempts, you are basically throwing away a potential sale.

#9. The conversion rate on Wednesdays is 46% higher than on Mondays.

A CallHippo study confirms that Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday are the best days to make prospecting calls.


#10. Hit up prospects between 4:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. as that is when most people will answer your call.

Spend time perfecting your timing as well as the content of your message. You should start tracking your call performance metrics and find out the best time of day to call your specific customers.

#11. If you contact the lead within 5 minutes after they have submitted a web form, you can increase your call connection rate by 100x.

What is the best call response time? CallHippo surveys show that inquiries are made within an hour of a customer's inquiry.

#12. A sale is most likely won after 6 calls.

By being persistent, not only will you be able to close the sale, but you will be able to up-sell and cross-sell as well. Furthermore, data shows that retaining current customers is 6 to 7 times less expensive than acquiring new ones.

#13. When looking for ideas to help them drive strong business results, 71% of customers say they like to hear from salespeople.

In contrast, only 13% of customers believe salespeople understand their needs.

Unlike most people think, sales aren't about selling a product; it's about SOLVING a problem (with your product) - those are very different things.

#14. 60% of buyers said that salespeople provided them with relevant information early on in the lead-nurturing phase which ultimately led to the sale.

Instead of asking, "How can I sell my product to this prospect?" ask, "How can I help this prospect with their problem?"

#15. A RingLead study indicates that 80% of calls go to voicemail.

Be prepared not only to speak but to leave an 18-30 second voicemail as well.

30 seconds? Why? According to an Inside Sales study, prospects won't listen to a cold call message for more than 30 seconds.

Every second you spend beyond your 30 decreases your chances of reaching out to customers by 2%

#16. Friends and family recommendations account for 84% of referrals.

#17. Clients that are acquired through referrals typically enjoy a 24% higher profit margin.

#18. Yet, only 22% of sales reps used a formal referral network.

Don't be afraid to ask your next customer for a referral.

The data shows that salespeople who actively seek out referrals and take advantage of them earn 4 to 5 times more money than those who do not.

#19. 20% of all contact information found on leads is either wrong or out of date.

 An automated call logging system that shows in real-time which calls are deadends is the only systematic way to combat this problem.

By doing this, you'll be able to regularly update the point-of-contact phone number - the rest of the details (such as the designation, the job function, the workplace, etc.) can be updated by the sales rep on the call.

#20. A sales representative spends 35% of his or her time on redundant paperwork, while only 22% is spent on selling.

 Allow your sales team to focus on selling! By automating tasks such as call tracking, email tracking, lead tracking, etc., you can eliminate boring, dreary admin work.

Automating call tracking immediately adds three more hours to an 8-hour workday. Those additional hours per salesperson can result in a significant increase in productivity.

#21. 41% of salespeople report having a hard time contacting leads.

Simple call analytics provides your sales team with the most effective stopping point for leads that are impossible to contact. While you don't want to waste time on a lead that can't be contacted also remember NOT to give up too early as on average it takes 6 tries to contact a lead (this is an average across all industries).

Count how many times you were unable to reach someone. If you have been trying to reach these contacts during a certain time or day of the week, you can cross-check this data. Call at an appropriate time and day to improve your response rate. Perhaps you are calling at an inconvenient time and you need to call at a more suitable time and day.


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